It’s been 7 years since, on a trip to Paris, I recommitted to my art.
My background and degree were in fine art, but I had been working as a user Experience designer for many years and my personal art production had been sporadic.
As life moves on and we start to realize that we are not here forever, it becomes more and more important to return to our goals - in my case, of creating beautiful illustrations and art work. I have always been a person with a big imagination and stories in my head (often elephants dancing in ballgowns) that needed to get out and this became more urgent.
After that trip to Paris seven years ago, I committed to carrying a sketch book with me every day, (a Moleskine)drawing whenever I could, on lunch breaks, after work and whenever I found a few spare minutes.
I’m happy to see how my work has progressed. I tend to be hypercritical of myself, but I learnt to allow myself to make mistakes, do bad drawings and to draw in public and I grew. Drawing for pleasure even helped me in my day job and made my life much more fun.
I’m now happy to tell you that while I am still working as a UX designer, i am on a path to become a licensed artist and illustrator. I will be part of "Camp Collective" - four artists exhibiting at Surtex in New York in May 2017. Come visit us at booth # if you’re in New York. The goal of this is to learn, to gain contacts in the industry, to hopefully meet some agents and creative directors for companies who sell homewares, products for the gift market, fabric and wallpaper companies who might be interested in my work.
Buy my stuff here:
I’m also pleased to announce that I have a few products for sale this Holiday season on Red Bubble and Etsy.
Both links are also available from my website
Please follow me on these platforms. I will really appreciate it.